March 19, 2020
1. Call Meeting to Order (TIME)
2. Roll Call: Chairperson: Coeta Smith
Vice Chair: Jeanne Baldwin
Treasurer: Chris Mason
Members: Jim Hibbs
Joe Charles
Darrell Hillier
3. Approval of the tentative Agenda
4. Welcome Guests
5. Public Participation
6. Approval of Minutes for February 20, 2020
7. Treasurer Report
8. Financials:
* Proposed Bills
9. New Business:
*Kendall Vickers contract
* Trash bids
10. Old Business:
* Credit Card – Community National
* Residency Clause
11. Directors Report:
* Supervisors Report
* Maintenance Report on Ambulances
* Executive Session
(1) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded. However, any vote on a final decision, when taken y a public governmental body, to hire, fire, promote or discipline and employee of a public governmental body shall be made available with a record of how each member voted to the public within seventy-two hours of the close of the meeting where such action occurs; provided, however that any employee so affected shall be entitled to prompt notice of such decision during the seventy-two-hour period before such decision is made available to the public. As used in this subdivision, the term “personal information” means information relating to the performance or merit of individual employees;
12. Open session (time)
13. Adjournment (time)