Public notice is hereby given that the Vernon County Ambulance District Board of Directors will conduct a TAX LEVY HEARING at 7:00 pm on August 20, 2020 at the Ambulance headquarters located at 515 E Walnut Street, Nevada, MO 64772

Tentative Agenda: Tax Levy Hearing

Dated this date August 13, 2020 and posted.

Denise Hopkins
Office Administrator
Vernon County Ambulance District
515 Walnut
Nevada, MO 64772


A hearing will be held at Vernon County Ambulance District at 7:00 pm on August 20, 2020 at 515 East Walnut Street, Nevada Mo.  at which citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by Vernon County Ambulance District.  The tax rates shall be set to produce the revenue which the budget for the year 2019 shows to be required from the property tax.  Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue required by the current assessed valuation.  The result is multiplied by one hundred so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. (RSMo 67.110.2)

This rate is subject to change due to further information.

Assessed Valuation
(By Categories)
Current Tax Year 2020Prior Tax Year 2019
Real Estate$170,841,680$169,465,000
Personal Property$72,671,841$69,195,984
Railroad & Utility$22,396,471$29,506,310
FundAmount of Property
Tax Revenues
Budgeted for 2020
Proposed Tax Rates
Per $100.00
General Fund$402,250.00$0.1500

Coeta Smith, Chairman of the Board
Vernon County Ambulance District

August 20, 2020

Download Agenda

Vernon County Ambulance District will be holding their regular board meeting in the conference room at 515 E Walnut Nevada Mo. on August 20, 2020. Posted this day August 19, 2020 by Valerie Hardy, Office Assistant.


1.  Call Meeting to Order (TIME) 

 2.   Roll Call

3.   Approval of the tentative Agenda  

4.    Welcome Guests

5.   Public Participation

6.   Approval of Minutes for July 16, 2020.

7.   Treasurer Report July 2020

8.   Financials:

                        *Proposed Bills

9.   New Business:

                        *Radio Antenna         

10. Old Business: None        

11.   Directors Report:

                        *Supervisors Report

12.  Assistant Directors Report:         

*Maintenance Report on Ambulances

*Training update

*Grant update            

*   Executive Session

                        *(14) Records which are protected from disclosure by law;

12.    Open session (time)

13.     Adjournment (time)